How to Pay
Below are the account details for SB Films, simply transfer any money due with these details. Please notify me of any payments sent, I will then confirm receipt and update your account. You can also request an invoice if you wish.
If you would like to send your money via PayPal, please let me know and I will send you an invoice link.
And most importantly, if you ever feel unsure of anything, no matter how small, please call me directly on 07704 795 968
Everything you'll need to know.
Account Details:
A few notes:
There is a 20% deposit at the time of booking
Your remaining balance can be paid in however you'd like, whether that be smaller monthly payments or a lump sum nearer the time
The balance must be paid at least one month before your wedding
Please notify me of any payments sent and await confirmation
The account name may appear as 'Sebastian Biddle trading as SB Films'
Account name: SB Films
Sort code: 04-00-03
Account Number: 89011451